中道僧团(Sambodhi Saṅgha)由随佛长老(Ven. Vūpasama Thero)创办于1995年,是奉行 释迦佛陀教导的十二缘起、四圣谛,遵奉比丘、比丘尼僧律的僧团。中道僧团的僧人,皆遵守不接受、不积蓄、不使用金钱,无有私人的护法,倾力维护僧团的团结与统一。
1. 在华人社会恢复原始佛教比丘尼僧团。
2. 尊崇斯里兰卡的比丘、比丘尼僧团,建立诚信、紧密的合作关系。
3. 尊重上座部各国比丘僧团的决定,不涉入其他国家的佛教事务。
4. 避免大乘学派、男性主义、女性主义、基督文化的涉入。
5. 团结各方的上座部佛教比丘尼,促进彼此的交流与发展。
In 67 A.D., the traditional Buddhism was introduced into China. In 250 A.D., the Bhikkhu Precepts were firstly translated into Chinese. In 434 A.D., Sri Lankan Bhikkhunī Saṅgha came into China, and from then on, the Bhikkhunī precepts were conferred by two Saṅghas in Chinese Buddhism. At the end of the 4th century, the Bodhisattva precepts were compiled by Indian Mahayana Buddhism. In 421 A.D., the Bodhisattva precepts were introduced into China.
In 519 A.D., Emperor Liang Wu accepted the Bodhisattva precepts, and claimed himself to be a “Bodhisattva emperor”. He fully supported the Mahayana Buddhism, and repelled the traditional Buddhism. Since then, the Dharma and Saṅgha of Indian traditional Buddhism were exiting China gradually.
Sambodhi Saṅgha were established by Ven. Vūpasama Thero in 1995. The Saṅgha follow the original teachings of Buddha Śākyamuni, namely Twelve Nidānas and Four Noble Truths, and observe the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhunī precepts. They do not accept, accumulate, or use money, and also, they do not have private supporters, in order to maintain the unity and solidarity of the Saṅgha.
The principle of Sambodhi Saṅgha is to revive the Original Buddhism, believe and practice the Original Dharma collected in the first Buddhist council, protect the scriptures prior to the division of Buddhism, and preserve the Vinaya lineage of Original Buddhism. Sambodhi Saṅgha mainly consist of Chinese, and are committed to promoting the Original Buddhism and the inheritance of Saṅgha in the Chinese community. Currently, Sambodhi Saṅgha have spread throughout the Chinese communities in Taiwan, mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States.
The human beings have two genders, and the Buddhists consist of males and females. This is an undeniable fact. Refusing females to participate in the Saṅgha, does not mean that the Saṅgha reject the females, but it is the Sangha that lose the virtues, competence and wisdom of females.
When the major religions in the world have both male and female clergies, rejecting Bhikkhunīs will definitely put the Theravada Buddhism to be questioned and rejected by the modern society, especially the Chinese Mahayana Buddhism has the inheritance of Bhikkhunīs. Thus, it will certainly help the development of the Theravada Buddhism in the Chinese community, if the Chinese Theravada Buddhism equips with Bhikkhunī inheritance.
For reestablishing the Bhikkhunī inheritance of the Original Buddhism in the Chinese community, Sambodhi Saṅgha insist on the following five principles:
1.Reestablish the Original Buddhism Bhikkhunī Saṅgha in the Chinese community.
2.Respect the Bhikkhu and Bhikkhunī Saṅghas of Sri Lanka, and establish a close and faithful collaboration relationship.
3.Respect the decisions made by the Theravada Saṅghas in different countries, and never involve the Buddhism affairs of any other countries.
4. Avoid the interference of Mahayana Buddhism, Masculism, Feminism and Christian culture.
5. Unite all the Theravada Bhikkhunī Saṅghas, and encourage their communication and development.
Because most Chinese Buddhists believe in Mahayana Buddhism, and most Theravada Buddhism Saṅghas do not support to reestablish the inheritance of Bhikkhunīs, and also because Sambodhi Saṅgha do not support or agree with the inappropriate females, (who are over the age, or Buddhists with mess understanding about Buddha’s teaching, or unteachably arrogant, or have physical and mental imbalance and illness) to get ordained or receive Bhikkhunī high ordination, Sambodhi Saṅgha often get defamed and slander. Although in this situation, Sambodhi Saṅgha still insist on promoting the Original Buddhism and support to reestablish the inheritance of the Theravada Bhikkhunīs in the Chinese world.