史实中的 佛陀,未曾说女性须经由「女转男身」才可以圆满菩提(此为印度耆那教的思想),主张男女两性皆可证得究竟解脱。因此,中道僧团是重视「缘生无我」的僧团,认为性别平权与僧团伦理应当平行尊重,不可偏执于一方。
世界主要国家的教育水平,已今非昔比,在家庭、社会、国家与世界的贡献上,女性的成就是全世界有目共睹。佛教要提升社会的接受度与高度,坚立于亚洲,甚至走出亚洲的大门,朝向全球化发展,不仅要契合现代社会的脉动,更要接轨国际通识,接受女性的合理地位与分量,两性僧团共同担纲起兴隆佛法与僧团的大任,这是中 道比丘尼僧团一直持续努力的方向。
佛正觉后2446年 (C.E. Dec 9,2014) ,台湾第一位南传佛教十戒女道一 Ven. Tissarā (Devasarā) 在出家精进守戒修行十七年后,在Sakyadhita Training & Meditation Centre 戒场受比丘尼戒,由八位比丘、六位比丘尼依照铜鍱律授戒、尊证。尊尼是台湾的第一位四圣谛佛教比丘尼,尊尼依止的原始佛教中道僧团支持尼戒的传续。此后,四圣谛佛教比丘尼传承逐步确立于中华佛教。
1998年初正式接触到 佛陀的原说教法,亲近原始佛教会导师随佛长老学习原始佛法。
尊尼于求学时期参与佛教社团,亲近汉传寺院学习。之后学习各类南传禅法,内心颇有体会。在求法机缘下,亲近了中道僧团,体会随佛长老的教导,实是 佛陀原说,可信、可验,并且实用、实证。至此,转为修学原始佛法。因敬仰中道僧团持戒严谨,仰慕出家生活。
Introduction of Bhikkhunī Sangha
Looking through scriptural history, the Buddha never stressed that full enlightenment could only be accomplished by a male (a Jain belief). Both man and women were capable of the same spiritual transformation offered by Dhamma. Hence, we believe that any conditioned existence is non-self, and gender equality as well as Saṅgha ethics should be respected parallelly without partiality.
The educational level of the major countries has advanced tremendously over the previous years. Women achievements and contributions to families, societies and countries are clearly recognized. For Buddhism to be better received by societies, to heighten its recognition, with its root in Asia and prospering out of Asia in globalization, Buddhism need to tune in the pulses of the modern societies. Connecting with the international consensus to acknowledge and appreciate the status and the significance of women, the Bhikkhu Saṅgha and Bhikkhunī Saṅgha together have taken upon the responsibility of revitalizing Buddhism. This is the commitment of the Sambodhi Saṅgha Bhikkhunīs, with continuous endeavors.
In 2015, 2447 years after the enlightenment of the Buddha, the head nun of the Sambodhi Bhikkhunī Saṅgha Ven. Tissarā, took the lead in establishing the Original Buddhism Bhikkhunī Saṅgha in Chinese world, opening the door for Chinese female Buddhists to get ordination in Original Buddhism.
The Original Buddhism Bhikkhunī Saṅgha was established by three Bhikkhunīs — Ven. Tissarā, Ven. Ñānavati and Ven. Vimokha, all of whom have been ordained for more than ten years. They succeed the lineage of Sri Lanka Bhikkhunī Saṅgha, and conform to the original teaching of Sākyamuni Buddha revitalized by the Sambodhi Saṅgha.
In Commemoration of the First Bhikkhuni of The Four Noble Truths in Taiwan, 2446 years (C.E. Dec 9, 2014) after the Enlightenment of Lord Buddha, the first ten-precept nun (Dasa Sil Mata), Ven. Tissarā Devasarā of Chinese Theravada Buddhism of Taiwan, China, received her higher ordination as a Bhikkhuni at Sakyadhita Training & Meditation Centre, after having diligently practiced the Dhamma and observed the precepts for seventeen years. The ceremony was administered and witnessed by eight Bhikkhus and six Bhikkhunis according to the Tambapanniya Vinaya.Ven. Tissarā is the first Bhikkhuni of The Four Noble Truths Buddhism in Taiwan, China. The Sambodhi Sangha, where Ven. Tissarā is affiliated to, fully supports the continuity of Bhikkhuni Vinaya. Hence, the Bhikkhuni lineage of The Four Noble Truths Buddhism will progressively be established in the Chinese communities.
Venerable Bhikkhunī Tissarā
Ven. Bhikkhunī Tissarā was born in Taiwan. She is the head nun of the Sambodhi Bhikkhunī Saṅgha, leads and manages the Bhikkhunī Saṅgha. Not only does Ven. Tissarā not receive, use, nor accumulate money offered by devotees, but she also does not have a kappiya (layman) to manage money on her behalf.
Ven. Tissarā has been dedicated to Buddhism for 32 years. In 1987, she came into contact with Buddhism. Firstly, she served in a temple, and later, she went to a Buddhist college to study Mahayana Dharma diligently, especially on Prajñā and Mādhyamika of Early Mahayana Buddhism, advocated by Master Yinshun.
In 1994, Ven. Tissarā began to study Dhamma with Ven. Vūpasama Thero, and since then, she stepped on the road of Four Noble Truths Buddhism.
In 1998, Ven. Tissarā was ordained by an Indian Bhikkhu Ven. Bodhi Thero. She studied Dhamma diligently, and was dedicated to revitalizing Original Buddhism.
From 1998 to 2000, Ven. Tissarā went to Thailand and Myanmar to visit and study Dhamma in the forest meditation centers.
From 2000 to 2005, Ven. Tissarā continued to study Dhamma with Ven. Vūpasama Thero, and explored the original teaching of Sākyamuni Buddha, from the most ancient suttas “Saṃyukta Āgama” and “Saṃyutta Nikāya”. Meanwhile, she followed the Saṅgha to travel around Taiwan, and experienced the Dhuta practice and tomb practice.
From 2007 to 2014, Ven. Tissarā travelled around the world to preach Buddha’s teaching in America, Malaysia, Australia and mainland China. She taught mediation techniques, and spared no effort in promoting Original Buddhism. Ven. Tissarā was neither afraid of any hardships, nor pursued any fame and fortune, and thus, she was admired and worshiped by many disciples for her sacrifice spirit.
In the more 30 years of spiritual practice, Ven. Tissarā was always dedicated to Buddhism, Dhamma, and the sentient beings selflessly. She respected her master reverently, took good care of the Saṅgha, and treated people with sincerity and humility. She observed the precepts strictly, and practiced Dhamma conscientiously. She is an extremely rare Bhikkhunī indeed.
Ven. Tissarā is currently the president of Original Buddhism Society and Four Noble Truths Society in Taiwan, and also the executive director of Original Buddhism Society in America and Malaysia.
Venerable Bhikkhunī Ñānavati
Ven. Bhikkhunī Ñānavati was born in Taiwan. She is very kind, honest, moral, and of a firm and persistent mind. When she was an undergraduate, she made a pilgrimage to Nantou Lingyan Mountain Temple guided by her classmate, and served as a volunteer there. She was deeply touched by the monastic life, which potentially affected her future choice of being a nun. In the following yeas, she often worked as a volunteer in the Zhongtai Zen Temple and Ciji Temple, where she was nurtured by Mahayana Buddhism.
At the beginning of 1998, Ven. Ñānavati came into contact with the original teachings of the Buddha, and began to study Original Dhamma with the mentor of Original Buddhism Society Ven. Vūpasama Thero.
On the New Year’s Day of 2001, Ven. Ñānavati was ordained by an Indian Bhikkhu Ven. Bodhi Thero, and followed Ven. Bhikkuni Tissarā to study Dhamma.Later, Ven. Ñānavati travelled around Taiwan along with two masters, experienced the unsettled life without fixed residence or eating, and learned the Dhuta practice and tomb practice. She believed firmly that being a nun is not for a stable life, but to eradicate the afflictions and benefit other people as well as oneself.
Not only does Ven. Ñānavati not receive, use, nor accumulate money offered by devotees, but she also does not have a kappiya (layman) to manage money on her behalf.
Since 2007, Ven. Ñānavati travelled around the world with the Sambodhi Saṅgha to preach Buddha’s teaching in America, Malaysia, etc. She spared no effort in spreading Original Buddhism everywhere to benefit the world, without seeking any fame and fortune. Despite of numerous obstacles, she was still struggling to move forward along with the Saṅgha, and achieved a strong will-power to go forward bravely.
Ven. Ñānavati is currently the council member of Original Buddhism Societies in Taiwan,America, and Malaysia.
Venerable Bhikkhunī Vimokha
Ven. Bhikkhunī Vimokha participated in Buddhism associations during her school days, and studied Dhamma in Mahayana Temples. Later, she also practiced many kinds of Theravada meditations. With the maturation of good conditions, she came into contact with Sambodhi Saṅgha, and studied Dhamma with Ven. Vūpasama Thero. She believed that it was the original teaching of Buddha, which was credible, verifiable, practical and empirical. Since then, she switched to practice Original Buddhism, and yearned for a monastic life in Sambodhi Saṅgha, where they observed the precepts rigidly.
In 2005, Ven. Vimokha was ordained by Ven. Bodhi Thero in Bodh Gaya, and then followed Ven. Tissarā to study Dhamma. After her ordination, Ven. Vimokha lived a mendicity life, and learned the Dhuta and tomb practice, to chasten her body and mind. Not only does Ven. Vimokha not receive, use, nor accumulate money offered by devotees, but she also does not have a kappiya (layman) to manage money on her behalf.
Ven. Vimokha is very optimistic, kind, honest and of a righteous heart. She is devotional to Buddhism and full of morality. She takes good care of the Saṅgha, and also benefits the lay people earnestly.
Since 2007, Ven. Vimokha travelled around the world with the Sambodhi Saṅgha to preach Buddha’s teaching in America, Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan and mainland China. In 2012, she managed the Sambodhi Monastery in Taichung, where she promoted the Dhamma affairs and led more people to study Original Buddhism industriously.
Ven. Vūpasama Thero once said “Everything works, and effort is definitely worth it!”, and Ven. Vimokha takes this dictum as her motto. Being a nun, she learned the Sutta and meditation diligently, and more importantly, from the experience and toughening of daily life, she learned to eradicate the afflictions, benefit other people as well as oneself, and live a peaceful life without regrets.
Ven. Vimokha is currently the council member of Original Buddhism Societies in Taiwan, America, Malaysia and Australia, and takes charge of the group of editing and publishing.